A bad month
The last month has been a bad one with the Wonder Kittens...
First, Buttons swallowed some string. A trip to emergency, a trip to the doctors a week later, X-Rays and lots of crying resulted in Buttons being ok. We still don't know what happened to string... we hope it passed and we just didn't find it (as much as we try, we're not the most observant of people). But, she's eating fine, not vomiting and was back to herself after her throat healed from all the projectile vomiting the emergency vets did on .
That was nearly three weeks ago.
A few days ago Momo's eye got infected. I've been very busy with my own issues (I had back issues with caused me to be unable to even get out of bed some days). I still don't know how it happened so fast... it's only in one eye though, so I think one of the other babies just got a little too rough.
She's still sick but recovering. The only problem is, we have to keep Momo from Buttons and Beowulf, making her very, very lonely. She misses her brother and sister dearly.
We've decided to celebrate Momo's birthday on the 27th, because we have no idea when it actually is (we got her early October and we're still not sure how old she really is because she was so malnourished that physically she looked months younger than she actually was, according to the decent and expensive vet we take her to now). I hope she's feeling better for a party.
-The Wonder Kitten Momma
Gosh! The string incident is very scary. Hope Momo is doing better and can be removed from isolation. Looking forward to the purrthdy parrty!
Now your month has to get better, it just has too. Everyone feel better too ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Oh my gosh! We understand troubles with string so well (thanks to Brach's fascination).
I am glad she's feeling better!!
Sounds like you guys have had a rough time of it lately! We'll be thinking of you as you work to rebound...
Just hope every furcat and bean is feeling better!
Patches Lady
We hopes efurrone is feelin' better. We're sendin' purrs to you all.
Ohmigoodness. That is a lot of bad fings to happen in a short period of time. Hope efurryone is better soon.
Poor Buttons. Poor Momo. Glad to hear they're doing better, though.
Thank you all for your kind words! I'll be sure to let Momo know you all are thinking of her as soon as the mamma lets me pounce on her... now how do I get into that room without mom knowing...
Buttons the Wonder Kitten
String is so dangerous. I'm glad to hear, though, that Buttons is ok. I hope everything ends up ok for Momo, and I hope that you have a better month in June. Just think: May is almost over! You can put it all behind you!
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